Drinking is essential for your health because water supplies every single cell in your body. It regulates your body temperature, boosts your metabolism and supports detoxification. It boosts concentration, performance and well-being. So far, so good - but not everyone manages to drink 2.5 liters of ordinary water every day. To make sure you drink enough, Dropz transforms your tap water into a delicious drink. Without sugar, of course. But with vitamins, natural flavors and in many delicious flavors.
Our Mission
Hydration is everything. Almost everything.
We want a world where healthy choices and conscious consumption are easy. With Dropz, your tap water simply gets a taste, your body gets what it needs and your everyday life becomes more sustainable. No sugar traps, no PET bottles, no unnecessary transportation. Our mission is to help you drink more and more consciously - for you, your body, a better lifestyle and the world we live in.

Zafar / Founder of Dropz
Tap water with upgrade
I came into contact with the idea of turning tap water into tasty lemonade with natural flavors at an early age. Even as a child, my mother enriched the drinking water with ginger, apple or lemon. Instead of over-sugared lemonades, we had “tap water with an upgrade”.
The older I got, the more I was on the go and resorted to drinks from PET bottles. Over time, this type of consumption bothered me more and more - the drinks were full of sugar and chemical additives, and the logistical effort and CO₂ emissions were enormous. So I started drinking pimped-up tap water again, as I knew it from my childhood. When I realized that this type of drink not only tasted good to me, but also to my guests, it was clear to me that I wanted to make this idea suitable for a lifestyle - and so I founded Dropz.
Everyone recycles, countless organizations fish plastic out of the sea - yet between 4.8 and 12.7 million tons of plastic waste end up in the oceans every year. With local tap water and Dropz, you can quench your thirst in an enjoyable and, above all, sustainable way and automatically avoid long transportation routes and plastic waste that somehow ends up in the vastness of the oceans.
It's up to you: by drinking Dropz, you are already doing your bit and saying no to PET bottles. Together with our community, we have already eliminated more than 15 million plastic bottles.
Cheers to that!
We also support sustainable projects that are close to our hearts.