Our mission is to make the way we hydrate healthier and more environmentally friendly while bidding farewell to sugary soft drinks. We are at the forefront of a movement to rid our planet of plastic waste and the avoidable CO2 emissions resulting from the production and global transportation of PET bottles. With innovative products that turn drinking water into a flavorful experience, and an unwavering commitment to sustainability, we are ushering in a revolutionary change in our drinking habits.


I first came across the idea of using natural aromas to ​​turn tap water into tasty soft drinks at an early age. Even as a child, my mother would enhance drinking water with ginger, apple or lemon to save money. Instead of sugary soft drinks, there was pimped tap water.  The older I got, the more I was on the go and grabbed drinks in PET bottles. Over time, this type of consumption bothered me more and more – the drinks were full of sugar and chemical additives, and the logistical expense and CO2 emissions were immense. I drank more and more pimped tap water like I had as a child. When I realised over time that this type of drink tasted good not just to me but also to my guests, it was clear that I wanted to turn this idea into a product fit for everyday consumption and founded dropz. 


Everyone recycles and there are countless organisations fishing plastic out of the sea. Nevertheless, more and more plastic waste (4.8 to 12.7 million tonnes per year) ends up in the oceans. With pimped local tap water, you can quench your thirst in an enjoyable and, above all, sustainable way, and automatically cut out the long transport routes and plastic waste, which somehow ends up in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. Drink local, think global! Learn more about our partnerships that are close to our hearts.


nice to meet you!

We are Zaf and Sabrina, the co-founders of dropz. With a lot of passion, we dedicate ourselves daily to our mission of making your drinking experience more diverse and sustainable. Do you have feedback for us? We are looking forward to hearing from you: hello@dropz.com